Understanding Ant Removal Methods

4 Ways To Ensure That You Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home With You This Summer

If you plan on traveling this summer, the one summer companion that you don't want to bring home with you is bed bugs. Bed bugs can be time consuming and expensive to deal with when they infest your home. Here are five tips to ensure that you don't bring these companions home with you from your travels. 

#1 Be Careful Where You Put Your Luggage

When you check into a hotel room, don't leave your luggage on the carpet or put it on the bed or any of the other furniture in the room. You should leave your luggage in the bathroom. This may seem an odd place to leave your luggage, but it is the location in a hotel room where bed bugs are lease likely to be present.

Most bathrooms have slick floorings, such as tile, which bed bugs do not like. There are also not very many cozy hiding places in bathrooms for bed bugs to hide. 

#2 Protect Your Luggage At All Times

You should keep your luggage in the bathroom until you have inspected the hotel room. Even after you have inspected the room, it is best to leave your luggage in the bathroom area. If you don't want to leave it there, put a plastic trash bag around your luggage to discourage bed beds from resting there. 

You can also purchase a zip-up plastic bag to put around your suitcase to protect it from any bed bugs it may come in contact with in your hotel room and during your travel time. 

#3 Check The Room

You should never sit down and settle into a hotel room without first checking it from bedbugs. Take the blankets on the bed, and pull them back so you can see the mattress. Inspect the mattress and make sure that it is free of little blood stains, a sign of squished bed bugs, or little tiny dots that look like ground pepper, a sign of active bed bugs. If you see either, request a different room or go to a different hotel. 

You should check the mattress and behind the headboard. You should also check under all the cushions in the room as well. You should also check under the telephone, alarm clock, behind any picture frames and behind any books in the room.  Bedbugs are generally found in close proximity to the bed where they like to hang out, so make sure you perform a thorough inspection. 

#4 Don't Bring Your Luggage Straight Into Your Home

When you get home, vacuum your luggage off before you bring it into your home.Take all your clothing out and put them into plastic trash bags and seal them up until you can wash all your clothing from your trip.

Wash everything from your trip before you put it away, regardless of it you wore the item or not.

If you are careful, all you should bring back from your summer travels are great memories. Contact a business that offers bed bug removal as soon as possible. 
