Understanding Ant Removal Methods

The Dangers Of The Over-Application Of Pesticides

DIY pest control for a garden requires the careful application of focused pesticides. However, many people accidentally over-apply their pesticides, which can result in a variety of dangerous side effects These dangers will mainly affect your garden, but they can also impact your health.

The Problems Of Over-Application On Your Plants

Dousing your plants with heavy doses of pesticides is likely to kill the insects on your plants, but they may also end up killing your plants. This problem is one of the most common in the world of pest control, and it is one that people often continue to make. Pesticide application should be a delicate process, with very light levels sprayed on plants, or else you run the risk of devastating your garden.

Immunity Can Develop

Another rarely-discussed problem is the way that pests can actually become immune to pesticides. Of course, pests that have already died won't develop an immunity, but those that survive will breed to pass on a hardy immunity to their children. Since most pests breed quickly, this immunity can build up in a matter of a few summers, ruining your pest control methods and allowing them to run rampant.

You May Even Put Your Life At Risk

While pesticides are designed to be poisonous to pests, they can also be dangerous to humans. While careful and even application of pesticide won't put your health at risk, too much will. The exact level will vary from person to person. Generally, you should only apply as much as the instructions on the bag indicate. Too much over that and you're playing a deadly game with the health of you, your pets, and even your children.

Ways To Manage The Problem

If you are prone to over-applying pesticides, try to choose the least-toxic alternatives for specific pests. For example, you might be able to use certain oils, soaps, or even beneficial nematodes to destroy the pests in your yard. You should also make sure to wear safety equipment (such as gloves and goggles) when applying pesticide and apply only the amount indicated on the bag.

Make sure to dilute the pesticide with water at a ratio of 1.2 ounces of pesticide per six quarts of water to make it less intense. This might make it less severe on your pests, but it will help avoid the dangers of over-application.

By following the above-mentioned guidelines, you can successfully manage the pest problem in your garden. However, if you are worried that you might still be applying too much pesticide, or think you can't handle it, just call a professional pest control service and have them do it for you.
