
What You Can Do to Control the Spider Population in Your Home

Spiders are creepy, crawly creatures that you just don't want in your home. If you have one or two spiders here and there, that isn't a problem, but if you have multiple sightings of spiders in your home you could have an infestation. Those eight-legged bugs can come in all shapes and sizes, some are harmless, while others may be poisonous. Control the spider population in your home by following the tips below.

How To Spot The Need For A Termite Exterminator

It is very important to make sure that you are able to spot the need for a termite exterminator so you can get the help you need as soon as possible. After all, termites reproduce extremely fast, and they will cause significant structural damage even faster. To help you be able to recognize the signs of a termite infestation, you will want to continue reading. Hollow-Sounding Wood Take a moment to knock on the wood beams that are exposed in your home, including in the attic and basement.

Four Ways To Prevent Bedbug Infestations

Bedbug infestations within your home can be quite hard to eliminate, since bedbugs can rapidly breed and spread across multiple upholstered surfaces beyond your bed. Furthermore, the pest removal process once you have bedbugs can be expensive and take quite a long time to complete. With this in mind, the best way to stop a bedbug problem is to take proactive steps to prevent bedbugs from ever getting into your home.

4 Tips For Reducing Ants In Your Home

Having a clean, healthy home is essential for enjoying your life. This means taking the time to reduce the possibility of ants in your living space. The good news is there are many things you can do to help make this happen and being aware of specific tips may be ideal. Tip #1: Take out the trash It's important not to let the waste continue to accumulate in your home. Taking the time to take out the garbage is critical if you wish to minimize the number of pests in your property.

Keeping Termites From Destroying Your Home's Wooden Structure

If you just purchased a home and discovered from a neighbor that there are termites present in the soil of nearby properties, you are most likely concerned about them getting on your own land and destroying your investment. There are several steps you can take to try thwarting a possible termite invasion. Here are some preventative measures to take in keeping termites from becoming a problem when they are known to be present nearby.

The Dangers Of The Over-Application Of Pesticides

DIY pest control for a garden requires the careful application of focused pesticides. However, many people accidentally over-apply their pesticides, which can result in a variety of dangerous side effects These dangers will mainly affect your garden, but they can also impact your health. The Problems Of Over-Application On Your Plants Dousing your plants with heavy doses of pesticides is likely to kill the insects on your plants, but they may also end up killing your plants.

Tired Of Drywood Termite Droppings In Your Home? Here Is What You Should Do

Drywood termites don't need a lot to survive. They are designed in such a way that they can find all the water, food and shelter they need to survive in your furniture. They also rarely leave their nests. This makes it hard to not only detect their presence, but also get rid of them. The most common way through which homeowners can tell that they have infested a home is through the droppings that they leave behind.

4 Ways To Ensure That You Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home With You This Summer

If you plan on traveling this summer, the one summer companion that you don't want to bring home with you is bed bugs. Bed bugs can be time consuming and expensive to deal with when they infest your home. Here are five tips to ensure that you don't bring these companions home with you from your travels.  #1 Be Careful Where You Put Your Luggage When you check into a hotel room, don't leave your luggage on the carpet or put it on the bed or any of the other furniture in the room.

3 Common Summer Pests To Be On The Lookout For

Summer time brings sunshine and fun, but it can also bring out pests. There are a number of pests that are more common in the summertime, and you should know what they are so that you can prevent them from taking over your home or yard or get rid of them if they have already infiltrated your home. Ants Ant problems are common during the summer months, and if you leave your doors open or have any cracks or holes in your walls, you might quickly find your home overrun by ants.

Predators, Parasites And Pathogens: The Three P's Of Natural Termite Control And How They Work

Termites, albeit annoying little pests, are actually unaware that they are being pests. Most termites within the U.S. are just trying to establish a colony and find food. Sometimes people make the mistake of constructing people abodes and buildings too close to where these cockroach cousins are living, and then people are surprised when they find these pests in their homes or buildings. Whatever your situation with termites, you can safely eliminate them with natural termite control methods.